Andrew Broder Baker
1883 - Jan 1918
Spouse: Annie
- c.1918
Parents: John Leonard Baker and Emily Ann Lawrence
Children: Thelma (July 1917 - Mar 4 1918)
Andrew Baker: Obtained entry to Saskatchewan July 1902, Arrived July 1902. Lived on the homestead from July to Sept. 1902, March to Nov. 1903, March to Dec. 1904. I presume he lived full time on the homestead after that. It seems that he drove a team in the Rainy River District in "the lumber woods" at one point. Also at one point he became ill the first year and spent five months in hospital in St. Boniface and underwent three operations.. He broke 10 acres in 1902, 30 acres in 1903, and 40 acres in 1904. In 1904 he cropped 40 acres and broke 40 more in 1905 and cropped 90 acres. He built a frames house 14' x 16', a sod stable 18' x 24' and a granary 14' x 22'. He had 4 oxen and 2 horses and later 5 horses and no oxen. The patent for his land was issued Dec 5, 1905. The applications were done in 1905 so it's probable that more land was broken after that, but, it seems that John L. only used his land for grazing while Fred and Andrew were wheat farmers.
“Uncle Andrew and Aunt Annie Baker, Dad’s brother. They died a week apart from the influenza after WWI - neither knew the other was dead.” - Ola Tuck
Andrew - under arrow on photo
Andrew's daughter, Thelma