Weeks Surname Study Group (WSSG)

How It Works

You would need an unbroken male Weekes descendancy line to utilize the Y-DNA testing which we are using, and which is the most common genealogical DNA testing being done currently. A male inherits a Y-chromosome from his father and an X-chromosome from his mother, so the male is generally referred to as "XY". A female does not inherit any Y-chromosome, but only an X from her father and another X from her mother, thus a female may be referred to as an "XX" chromosomally. Further, a male does not pass on the X from his mother to any of his offspring, so a female breaks the direct-line Y-chromosomal passing and a male breaks the direct-line maternal X-chromosomal descendancy. The Y-DNA testing being done is performed on what is usually called "junk DNA", small pieces of the Y-chromosome which have no apparent physical or biological purpose, except to carry the markers being identified and tested for the genealogical purpose of the test.

This whole science is developing rapidly, and there is much work going on to help with identifying the genealogy of "non-direct" lines, as well as other problems or gaps identified. But, today, the main popular testing procedures work only on the "two extreme outside lines" of your lineage chart. The Y-DNA exists in the nucleus of cells, and the DNA which exists outside the nucleus of a cell is called "mitochodrial DNA" or "mtDNA", which is used for testing on maternal lines. So, for that reason, FTDNA saves your DNA sample for 25 years in secure storage, so that you may have further tests, including those newly-developed, on your original cheekswab.
