Hillcrest Cemetery, Smiths Falls

The Boyd Family

Andrew Boyd

Olin Leroy Boyd

Hilda Gertrude McCallum

Ken Zealley and Mary Boyd

William J Boyd

Margaret Weekes and Harry Callan


Henry and Ethel Carss

Ogle Carss and Isabella Niblock

Annie Weekes and Clarence Hawkes

Florence Hawkes
Austin Keir and Marjorie

Alexander Keir

Mary J Keir

John McCallum Sr. and Grace Queen

John McCallum Jr. and Charlotte Weekes

Mary A McCallum

Horatio McGillivray and Edith Dunham

Mary MacGillivray and Walter Patience

Mamie McLean
William Edward McGillivray and Etta McDonald

William McGillivray, Marian Rathey and Jane Amelia Weekes

William E. McGillivray
Ethel McGillivray
G. Stanley McGillivray
Charlotte Weekes and Thomas Burgess

Melvin Thomas Burgess

Clara Elizabeth Phillips

Edward F Weekes Jr

Edward F.
June 13, 1854
Apr. 14, 1893
We weep but not with bitterness
Ours are not thoughts of gloom ...
Jennet Isabella Weekes

Joseph Weekes and Jane Fullerton (possibly)
Joseph Weekes (son of James) and Family
Joseph Weekes
Annie White

Beulah Maude Weekes

Laura May Weekes

Margaret Elizabeth Weekes

Roy Weekes and Roberta Ready
