Henry Wilkinson Hutton
12.29.1841 - 9.6.1935
Spouse: Lucy Ann Carss
4.27.1850 - 5.9.1926
Marriage: 10.4.1871 Fitzroy
Grave: Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls
Henry: William Hutton and Maria Berney
Lucy: Robert Carss 1813-March 26, 1889 and Maria Jane Willis 1817-Sept. 22, 1906
Children: Ivy Mabel Carss Hutton (Weekes), Heber Wilfred Carss Hutton, Mona Louise Hutton (MacGillivray)
Henry Hutton
Carss Family History Revised - Barbara Mills
Carss Family Background
Carss Family History - a work in progress by Helen Benda
Outstanding Men of the Ottawa Valley (c. 1932)
In all parts of the Ottawa district there are people who delight to honor one of Lanark county's grand old men in the person of Henry Wilkinson Hutton, of Smiths Falls, who recently celebrated the 91st anniversary of his birth.
The roots of the Hutton family tree are sunk deeply in the historic soil of Lanark county. Far back in the earliest days of the community when avenues of travel comprised for the most part blazed trails through the forest, long before the advent of the telegraph when Perth was only a trading post and mails were few and far between, William Hutton and his wife arrived from the Old Land and cleared a farm in Wolford township; they gave to the new settlement an inspiring citizenship and a splendid family of four daughters and seven sons.
At the Country School.
One of the sons was the subject of this sketch who acquired all of his schooling in the little country school of Wolford, from whose humble walls boys and girls have gone out into the world to achieve distinction. He remained on the homestead until he was twenty-five years of age, when he engaged with the Carss brothers, also pioneers, who operated a mill at Arnprior; the move was a fortunate one for young Mr. Hutton because it was there that he met and wooed pretty Lucy A Carss, sister of the brothers for whom he worked; it was a happy union their lives a beautiful story that continued down through the years until Mrs. Hutton's passing closed the chapter.
Journeyed to the States.
There are few citizens of Lanark county whose experiences have been more diversified than those of Mr. Hutton. After leaving the Carss brothers, he purchased a farm in the then sparsely-settled county of Renfrew, but the industrial and agricultural life of Canada was seriously depressed, and after struggling along for ten years he disposed of the farm and went to one of the southern states; but then, as now, the depression was general, conditions were quite as bad in the South as they were in Ontario, and men suffered as they do today because of a lack of employment.
Finally in 1882 Mr. Hutton returned to Canada, resided for a time at Brockville, was first inspector of work when the town in 1888 inaugurated its system of sewers; he returned to Smith Falls in 1891, entered into business and was subsequently appointed lock- master at Edmond's Lock, a position he held for almost a quarter of a century.
Old School Liberal
Although far beyond life's allotted span this splendid old veteran experiences the joy of living and still indulges in his favorite philosophies. He is still a consistent churchman, is an honorary member of the Session of his United Church congregation; he is just as convinced that his Liberal principles are as sound now as at any time throughout the long period of years he has espoused the doctrines of Gladstone, Brown and Laurier. He is as devoted to the practice and principles of temperance as he was over 75 years ago when the Good Templars had their inception. He is observant to a surprising degree, enjoys the use of all his faculties and one of the great thrills of his long life was to attend with the Rotarians of Smiths Falls at the recent Christmas broadcast and listen to the voice of the King as it reverberated around the world.
This kindly old gentleman's message to the people of the district is that they be courageous. He has witnessed several economic depressions that he considers were quite as disturbing as this one. They passed away, and this, too, shall pass and "through the rifts in the clouds we may, if we we will, see the beautiful blue above."
Henry W. Hutton Thursday, September 12th, 1935
One of Smiths Falls oldest and most highly respected citizens, Henry W. Hutton died here early on Friday morning after an illness of only a few weeks duration. He was in his 94th year. The late Henry W. Hutton was a Lifelong resident of this district and was born in Wolford Township in 1841, son of the late William Hutton and Maria Bernie and member of a pioneer family of United Empire Loyalist stock. Coming to this district in 1891, Mr. Hutton for thirty years held the position of Lockmaster at Mills' Lock on the Rideau Canal and retired from active service in 1921. He then came to Smiths Falls and except for a few years, had since resided here. Despite his advanced age, the late Mr. Hutton enjoyed full use of his faculties and exceptionally good health up until a short time ago. He took regular walks downtown, meeting his numerous friends and conversing with them on topics of the day. A keen student of world affairs, he was a brilliant conversationalist and his unfailing good humor and keen wit made him a favorite with young and old alike. He was pleasantly surprised, a few years ago, when friends gathered to present him with a book in which was pasted a gold star for every year of his life with an additional supply for the future contained in an attached box. Deceased could recall many outstanding events in history and frequently entertained his friends with stories of the long ago. He was a particular admirer of Abraham Lincoln and something of an authority on Lincoln's life and career. While taking a keen interest in the affairs of the community, the late Mr. Hutton's greatest interest was the United Church of which congregation he was an active and devoted member. He attended services regularly in past years and as an honorary member was deeply interested in the affairs of the various societies. In politics he was a, staunch Liberal. Left to mourn his loss are two daughters, Mrs. G. Weekes, Smiths Falls, with whom he had made his home, Mrs. George MacGillivray, of South Elmsley, and one son, Heber C. Hutton, of Toronto. The general esteem in which deceased was held was evidenced on Sunday when citizens from all walks of life and representing many points in the district attended the funeral, held from the home of Mrs. Weekes to the United Church and thence to Maple Vale Cemetery where the remains were laid to rest. Rev. A. D. Cornett conducted the service and the pall-bearers were W. H. Kerfoot, J. W. Kitchen, J. E. Burns, C. J. Downey, R. A. Vanluven and T. H. Thompson, all associates of Mr. Hutton in United Church activities. Numerous and beautiful floral tributes testified to the high esteem in which he was.
Robert Carss (1813-1889) and Maria Jane Willis (Carss) (1817-1906)
Isobel, Eric and Stella Jamieson, Henry, Dorothy, George O, Lucy, Ivy