Jacob Tuck
2.22.1832 Wiltshire England - 3.11.1894, Powassan ON
Spouse: Harriet Andrus
7.29.1832 Burrits Rapids - 6.16.1900
Marriage: April 4, 1853, Marlborough Twsp.
Parents: Jacob: Thomas Tuck and Anne Tanner
Harriet: Merrit Orsamus Andrus and Maria Carpenter
Children: Elizabeth Anne (Howey), James Henry, Merritt William Tuck, George Carpenter, Joseph, John Alexander, Franklin Warner, Festus, Andrew, Elisha E., Cyrus Stephen, Heman
Grave: Kemptville Union Cemetery
From Andrew Tuck's Tuck Family web site at MyFamily.com:
"The family of Jacob Tuck is listed in the census for Oxford township, Grenville county for the years 1861, and 1871 as follows:
Name | Age 1861 | Age 1871 |
Jacob Tuck | 29 | 39 |
Harriet | 29 | 39 |
Elizabeth A. | 7 | 17 |
James H. | 5 | 15 |
Merritt W. | 3 | 12 |
George C. | 1 | 11 |
Joseph | 9 | |
John | 6 | |
Franklin | 4 | |
Festus | 2 |
Jacob is listed in the 1861 agricultural census as being the owner of lot 6 of concession 3 (see map of Oxford). He owned a total of 100 acres, of which 5 were cultivated with 4 in crop and 1 in pasture. His assets were listed as 1 ton of hay, 4 pounds of wool, 200 pounds of maple sugar, 1 cow, 1 horse, 20 pounds of butter, and three quarters of a barrel of pork.
For a young man of 29 with four children, Jacob apparently had an excellent start in life. At this time his older brother, James, was still working for his father-in-law, and Jacob's younger brother, John, was a laborer near Lynn, Ontario.
In the 1871 census Jacob Tuck is listed as a tenant on the same farm. Though 3.25 acres were improved, 1 acre was in hay, and 0.25 in garden, the balance of the land was not in use. The only other assets listed were 150 pounds of potatoes, and 20 cords of firewood.
Jacob's wife Harriet Andrus, the daughter of Merritt Orsamus Andrus who was born in the U.S.A. and came to Canada to work on the construction of the Rideau Canada. He was owner of lot 28, concession 1 of Marlborough township of Carleton county. Burritts Rapids straddles the Rideau River and on Marlborough township side is located on lots 25 and 26 of concession 1. The Andrus farm was thus within a short distance of the village. In the 1851 census the members of the Andrus family consisted of Merritt age 43, Maria 43, Harriet 19, Elizabeth 17, Orsamus 14, Maria 13, a son 11, James 9, Elisha 7, Sirus 4; another daughter, Mary E. was born later in 1851. There is no existent copy of the agricultural census of 1951. However, in 1861 Merritt Andrus is listed as the owner of 100 acres of which 25 were improved with 20 in crops and 5 in pasture. In the 1871 census the acreage owned was 150 of which 50 were improved including 15 in pasture. At that time he owned 2 horses, 8 milch cows, 3 other cattle, 21 sheep, 3 swine and 4 hives of bees. He is also listed as having slaughtered during the year: 1 cattle, 1 sheep and 8 swine. He had a substantial house overlooking the Rideau river, it was still standing in 1980. Even though it was sold out of the family around the turn of the century and had been modernized by the addition of plumbing and electricity, it was still much the same as W. Earl Tuck remembered it in his youth.
We cannot always assume that the location given for the birthplace of a child corresponds to the location of the parents' home. In notes prepared by W. Earl Tuck, the birthplace of Elizabeth A., George and John is given as Burritts Rapids. That of Merritt William is given as "Andrusville". That of Festus is also given as Burritts Rapids but in the context that his parents returned there from the U.S.A. before moving to "Kelly's Corners", where Andrew and Elisha were born. At that time it was not unusual to identify a locality by some prominent or old-time family in the vicinity. Thus "Andrusville" would be around the old Andrus farm, and "Kelly's Corners" was named after T. Kelly who lived on lot 7, concession 3 of Oxford township and was immediately next to that which Jacob Tuck owned in 1861 and rented in 1871 (see map of Oxford).
Based on this limited information it is possible to reconstruct a probable course of Jacob's life. Jacob lived and worked in and around Burritts Rapids until 1858. His father died in March of 1858. It seems that he, like his biblical namesake, was able to appropriate his fathers estate to his own use and to the exclusion of his brothers and sisters. With the proceeds he purchased the farm where he lived in 1861, but he was unable to operate it. About 1866 he moved to Morristown N.Y. where his son Franklin was born, then returned to Burritts Rapids where Festus was born and then back to "Kelly's Corners" where Andrew and Elisha were born.
The practice of "indenture" for children was not common in Canada at that time, though it was well known in Europe as "apprenticeship", and had been practiced in the U.S.A. At best it gave the child an opportunity to develop a skill or learn a trade he could not have learned at home; at worst it was legalized temporary child slavery. Though we do not know the specific terms, we do know that Jacob arranged for his various older children to be indentured. Merritt William was raised by his grandparents (he appears with the Andrus family in the 1871 census) and on his 21st birthday was given $100 and a horse. George lived with a Bob Johnson near Merrickville from about the age of 12 until he was 24 so the conditions were probably not onerous. John lived with Dr. Howie from about the age of 8 but was allowed to leave to move with his family in 1879. Joseph was bound to Sam Bolton at the age of 9 and was subject to sufficient cruelty that he "jumped bond" at the age of 18. It maybe Joseph was the only one "sold into slavery".
We have not been able to locate Jacob and his family in the 1881 census, he reportedly moved "up the Gatineau" about 1879. The Gatineau river flows through what was at that time an English conclave in Quebec, passed such towns as Farley, Gracefield, Wright, Alwyn, Wakefield and Hull, it then joins the Ottawa river at Ottawa.
According to family tradition, when Jacob attained the age of 50 he insisted on being called "Israel" in imitation of his biblical namesake.
Finally, he moved his family to Powassan. With him were Frank, Festus, Andrew, Elisha and Cyrus. Joseph was also in the area having arrived there after his escape from bondage to Sam Bolton. Although John was with the family in Quebec, he appears to have been in Powassan only as a visitor on occasions.
The weather in Powassan is not kind to the helpless; and what could be more helpless than a drunken old man! According to family legend, Jacob was travelling home one night after drinking heavily, when he simply fell off the back of the wagon. Jacob was still alive when discovered but he died as a result of the exposure. One of his grandsons kindly described his death as being the result "of an accident"; maybe shooting oneself when playing Russian roulette is accidental too.
The family left Powassan shortly after Jacob's death, with the exception of Joseph who lived in the area until 1899. Records in Powassan show that several pieces of properties were recovered from the Tucks by the municipalities after 1895 for non-payment of taxes. In the village itself there were lots 7 and 8 in block 5 from Harriet Tuck, lot 21 in block 7 from Frank Tuck; and in South Hinsworth township, lot 16 concession 19 from Elisha Tuck and lot 7 Concession 9 from Festus Tuck.
A multitude of attempts, over many years to obtain information on Jacob's character, from those who knew him or would have heard their parents speak of him, have been unsuccessful. Usually the topic was ignored and the subject changed. Of the few snippets of information that have been obtained all were derogatory, none were complementary. The most direct answer was "that he was an old reprobate". That he was a habitual drunkard is beyond doubt; that he was neglectful of his wife and children is well established; that he was unkind and brutal to them is probable; that he manipulated his brothers and sisters out of a share in their fathers estate is suspected. These factors must be taken into consideration when assessing the lives of his children. They started with no worldly goods, with little or no education and without established roots. They grew up at a time when the community painted the children with the sins of the father. Their mass departure from Powassan immediately after his death was an attempt to escape the stigma attached to them by his behavior.
To Harriet, we can be much kinder, the family loyalty was to her. She appears to have done what she could to soften life for her children, but her means were limited. She obviously bore the brunt of the hardships; at 65 years of age she was broken by adversity. After Jacob's death she lived with her son George at Kemptville and is buried there.
Perhaps it is a fitting tribute to Jacob, that in spite of having several hundred descendants none of them share the same cemetery with him."
Harriet Andrus
The Lanark Era June 20, 1900
"At Kemptville, Saturday last, Mrs. Jacob Tuck, in her 68th year, mother of Mr. C.S. Tuck, barber, of Lanark."
Kemptville Weekly Advance, June 28, 1900
"Mrs. Tuck;
Harriett Andrus, widow of the late Jacob Tuck, died at the residence of her son,
Geo. Tuck, on Saturday, 16th. She was born at Burritt's Rapids on the 29th of July,
1832, and was married to Mr. Tuck in 1859. To them were born 12 children all now
living but 2. While residing at Powassan, Mr. Tuck died suddenly of apoplexy in
March 1894. Fourteen years ago Mrs. Tuck had a paralytic stroke and another about 7
years ago, the latter disabling her to such an extent that she has since been unable
to do any work. After the death of her husband she came to Kemptville and for a time
lived with her son John and later with her son George, at whose residence she
peacefully passed away on Saturday morning from the effects of a third stroke which
she received on the 1st of June. The funeral service was conducted in St. James'
church and the remains were interred in the public cemetery."
1854 - 1937
Spouse: James E. Howey
Parents: Jacob Tuck and Harriet Andrus
Chidren: Albert Howie
July 21 1937
July 19, 1937
Albert Howie
November 3, 1890 - August 26, 1918, France
Parents: James Howie and Elizabeth Ann Tuck
Albert's Memorial at Veterans Affairs Canada
Military Service:
Service Number: 246221
Age: 28
Force: Army
Unit: Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (Eastern Ontario Regt.)
Date of Birth: November 3, 1890
Son of James and Elizabeth Ann Howie, of 167, Pretoria Avenue, Ottawa.
Commemorated on Page 432 of the First World War Book of Remembrance.
1901 Census - Carleton - Nepean E-1 page 7:
Line: 15
Household: 52
Name: Howie Albert
Sex: M
Relationship to head [Plunkett, James]: Servant
Single/Married: S
Birth Date: Nov 3 1889
Age at last birthday: 11
19 April 1856, Burritts Rapids, Ont - 11 August 1880, Michigan
Spouse: Laura Jane Lefebvre
Parents: Jacob Tuck and Harriet Andrus
Chidren: Annie Etta Tuck (1878, Burritts Rapids, Ont - November 1, 1898, Almonte of tuberculosis)
James' cause of death was lightning.
c.1860 - April 2, 1934
Spouse: Eva Cochrane
Parents: Jacob Tuck and Harriet Andrus
Children: William James Tuck
April 2, 1934
William James Tuck
May 26, 1908, Kemptville ON - May 26, 1971, Kingston ON
Spouse: Potter
John Alexander Tuck
26 Sept. 1865, Burritt's Rapids - 20 Oct. 1947, Ottawa
Spouse 1: Emily Jane Trueman (m. 1889)
23 Jan. 1870, Ireland- 29 Nov. 1898
Spouse 2: Maria Jane Andrus
8 May 1863 - 12 Dec. 1935
Parents: Jacob Tuck and Harriet Andrus
Children: Charles Trueman Tuck, William Earl Tuck
Grave: Kemptville Union Cemetery
Kemptville Weekly Advance, April 9, 1896,
"Local News.
A few days ago Mrs. J.A. Tuck received the sad intelligence of the death of her
father, Wm. Trueman, of Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, which sad event occurred
on the 20th of March. Deceased had attained to the advanced age of 82 years and
prior to his death was ill but a few weeks."
Emily contracted tuberculosis while nursing Annie Etta Tuck.
Kemptville Weekly Advance, November 30, 1899
"Her Sufferings are Ended.
The death of Mrs. John A. Tuck of this town at an early hour on Monday morning was
not at all unexpected for she had been in failing health for over a year. In
September 1898 she contracted a cold and shortly after that time spent several weeks
in waiting upon a sick friend who was affected with lung trouble.
.......................... She was an affectionate wife and mother and to think of
parting with and leaving behind her two little boys caused her many a heartache.
.......................... Thirteen years ago she bade good-bye to her father, three
brothers and one sister in Ireland and came to Canada where she had two aunts, Mrs.
Robt. Cleland of Osgoode and Mrs. Daniel Grant now of Kemptville. One of her
brothers is a pastor of a Baptist tabernacle in London, Eng. For years the deceased
was a very prominent member of the Baptist choir and a very active member of the
church. .................... On Tuesday afternoon friends paid their last respects
by attending the funeral service in the Baptist church, when Mr. Puttenham preached
a very appropriate sermon. The following gentlemen who served as pall bearers were
selected by Mrs. Tuck the day before her death: N. Parish, J.J. Conley, W.J.
Corbett, W.J. Hyland, S.H. Halliday, and J.P. McIntyre."
Obituary of John Alexander Tuck - Ottawa Journal October 1947
29 May 1890 - March 27, 1965
Mary Ethel Connolly
Hazel Laura McFadden
May 10 1903 -
Parents: John Alexander Tuck and Emily Jane Trueman
Children: Evelyn (Wheeler), John Alton Tuck, Cecil Tuck
Charles Trueman Tuck was born 29 May 1890 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario; died 27 March 1965 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; buried in 1965 at Shawville, Pontiac County, Québec. His wife Hazel Laura McFadden, (to whom he was married 26 October 1957 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 10 May 1903 near Hyndman, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Howard Arastis McFadden and Sarah Edith Elbare.
Charles Trueman Tuck obituary - Ottawa Journal March 29 1965
Mary Ethel Conelly Obituary, April 5, 1955
Spouse: Frederick Hammond Wheeler
Parents: Trueman Tuck and Ethel Connolly
October 10, 1939 Ottawa Journal
October 13, 1939 Ottawa Journal
c.1916 - April 6, 1979
Spouse: Ella Atkins
Parents: Trueman Tuck and Ethel Connolly
John Alton Tuck obituary - Ottawa Journal April 12, 1979
1894, Bristol, Quebec - 1981
Spouse: Minnie Cockwell
Parents: John Alexander Tuck and Emily Jane Trueman
Children: W. Eileen (White), Lorne Eldon Tuck
W. Eileen Tuck
May 16, 1943
January 17, 1970
Lorne Eldon Tuck
August 21, 1950
June 25, 1954
March 31, 1867, Morristown, N.Y. - February 21, 1958, Sault Ste Marie, Ont
Spouse: Sadie Findlay
May 22, 1882, Toronto, Ont - November 29, 1945, Rowley, Alb
Parents: Jacob Tuck and Harriet Andrus
Children: Thomas Beverly Tuck (1912-1971); Wallace Meldrum Tuck; Muriel Evelyn Tuck and Merle Arlie Tuck
14 May 1869, Rapids City, Rock Island, Illinois- 31 January 1937
Spouse: Elizabeth Julia Tamas
22 February 1883 -
Married: 9 April 1907
Parents: Jacob Tuck and Harriet Andrus
May 12, 1872-April 19, 1948
Spouse: Elizabeth Callander
Parents: Jacob Tuck and Harriet Andrus
James Clifford Tuck (1901 - ), m. Muriel Mills;
Keith Neil Tuck (1908 - ), m. Nellie Heath;
Margaret Elizabeth Alberta Tuck (1910 - );
Eleanor H. Tuck (1913 - );
Andrew Kenneth Tuck (1913 - 1913)
Keith Neil Tuck and Nellie Heath
Keith Neil Tuck
March 28, 1908, Elk Lake, ON - April 1950, Yellowknife, NwtSpouse: Nellie Heath
June 12, 1903, High Leigh, Staff, England - January 13, 1985, Toronto, OntParents: Andrew Tuck and Elizabeth Callander
December 3, 1873-June 17, 1960
Spouse: Cora Ethel Grant
28 July 1869 - 13 November 1902
Married: 18 May 1898
Spouse: Lucretia Grenville Moorehouse
March 1, 1884 - August 23, 1955, Burlingame, Cal
Parents: Jacob Tuck and Harriet Andrus
Children: Bertha Edith Tuck (1901-1990); Cyrus Edwin Tuck (1908-1977); Thomas Roy Tuck (1910-1972); Pearl Evelyn Tuck (1912-1972); Herbert Ronald Tuck (1918-1965) and Henry Bruce Tuck (1923-1986)
#008860-1898 (Grenville Co): Elisha TUCK, 25, carpenter, Marlboro, Kemptville, s/o Jacob TUCK & Harriet ANDREWS, married Cora Ethel GRANT, 28, Edwardsburgh, Kemptville, d/o David & Matilda K GRANT; wit: Cyrus S TUCK, Bertha A GRANT, Kemptville. 18 May 1898 at Kemptville
Ottawa Journal, July 19 1946
December 5, 1877 - 11 March 1894
Spouse: Edith Margaret McGuire
18 January 1877 - 18 July 1975
Parents: Jacob Tuck and Harriet Andrus
Children: Vera Margaret Tuck, Died March 30, 1906
January 14, 1880 - August 3, 1880
Parents: Jacob Tuck and Harriet Andrus