Andrew Roy Weekes
2.10.1897 - 11.13.1972
Spouse: Roberta Doreen Ready
7.5.1902 - 9.21.1976
Marriage: 10.30.1923
Grave: Hillcrest Cemetery, Smiths Falls
Roy: John Alexander Weekes and Hannah Gallagher
Roberta: Robert John Ready and Elizabeth Bolton
Roy Weekes was born at Lombardy, the son of Jack Weekes and Hannah Gallagher.
Roy lived on his father's farm until after his marriage to Miss Roberta Ready of Portland. He helped his father with the farming and later was employed by the township and worked on the roads.
14477-23 Andrew Roy WEEKES, 25, farmer, Elmsley Twp., same, s/o John WEEKES (b. Elmsley South Twp.) & Hannah GALLAHER, married Roberta Doreen READY, 21, Burgess North, Elmsley, d/o Robert READY & Elizabeth BOLTON, witn: Alice E. & Marjorie ELLIS of Smith Falls, 30 Oct 1923 at Smith Falls.
Perth Courier, November 23, 1923
Ill health later caused him to cease work and Mr. and Mrs. Weekes moved to Smiths Falls.
c. 1903 - Roberta, Elizabeth and Robert Ready
c. 1918. Roy Weekes and his 1915? Model T Ford car. He was born in
1898 and appears to be about 20 years old in the picture,
giving the picture a possible date of about 1918 - 20. Roy may
have recently purchased the Model T as its 2nd owner, an
occasion suggesting a picture pose for posterity. His brother
Norman may have been the photographer, as he owned a
Kodak camera in those early years. The season, may have
been early Spring as he is wearing a top coat, the trees have
no leaves and the car wheels are muddy because of recently
thawed gravel roads. The location may be the roadside in front
of the family farm.
c. 1930. Roberta Doreen Ready (Weekes) with Merrill and
Elsie Jamieson (Weekes)
Perth Courier, December 12, 1946
1948 - Roy and Roberta
Christmas 1953? - the manse, Lombardy
Randy, Muriel, Alan, ?, Roberta, Mary, Debbie
c. 1956 - Alan, Roberta and Randy, Lombardy
c. 1963, Kingston - Bob (with Betsy), Lillian, Shirley, Muriel and Don Hagan
2000, Otter Lake - Jean, Shirley, Bill, Bob, Merrill
July 2003, S. Elmsley Twp. Hall
Audrey Weekes, Larry Abramowich, Jean Weekes (Abramowich)