Jane Amelia Weekes
Dec. 25, 1845 - Feb. 24, 1927
Spouse: William McGillivray
Sept. 15, 1845 - Feb. 13, 1930
Marriage: 6.2.1876
Grave: Hillcrest Cemetery, Smiths Falls ON
Jane: Edward Fullerton Weekes and Mary Jane McAuley
William: John McGillivray and Ellen
Children: Annie, William Edward, Minnie E. (Mary) (Patience) , Mabel, George Stanley
Perth Courier, June 9, 1876
"At the residence of the bride's father on 26th May, by Rev A L Patterson, Mr Wm McGillivray, of Smiths Falls, to Miss Jane Amelia, eldest daughter of Edward F Weekes, Esq, JP of Lombardy."
From: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~maryc/leeds76.htm
[Note that there are a few factual typos in the original version of this report.]
"5527-76 William McGILLIVRAY, 32, widower, mechanic, Orkney Island Scotland, Smith Falls, s/o James & Ellen, married Jane Emilia WEEKES, 27, Smith Falls, Lombardy, d/o Edward F. & Emelia, witn: Alexander McGILLIVRAY of Smith Falls & Anna McGREGOR of Lombardy, 2 June 1876 at Lombardy, Elmsley"
Minnie and William McGillivray Sr.
4 Generations - October 1927
William McGillivray Sr., Minnie Patience, Marvin McKay, Mabel McKay
At the time of the registration of William Jr.'s birth, William Sr. was listed on the birth registration as a carpenter. Later, William worked at the police station, and Jane cooked meals for the prisoners. They lived at 52 Market St., Smiths Falls. William had children, Madeline, James and Horatio, from his first marriage (Marian Rathey 1842-1872). Jane and William's son Stan worked on the CPR. William (called Ginny) was a butcher, with no family. Mary was known as Minnie.
James, Horatio and William were among the people who migrated into Smiths Falls in the 1870s and 1880s. James was a carpenter. Horatio was a grocer. William was a blacksmith.
William Edward McGillivray
4.24.1877 - 1972
Spouse: Etta McDonald
1877 - 1952
Grave: Hillcrest Cemetery, Smiths Falls
William: Jane Amelia Weekes and William McGillivray
Etta: Maria F. McDonald
William was a blacksmith when he first moved to Smiths Falls from the farm. Later, he was a butcher, and was known by the name "Ginny".
1911 Census Smiths Falls ON, page 2
9 17 McGillivray William E. M Head M Apr 1878 33
10 17 McGillivray Etta F Wife M Sep 1878 32
11 17 McDonald Maria F Mother-in-law W May 1849 62
1933 Smiths Falls Voters List
McGILLIVRAY, Etta, Church, 246-7, pt, 071 HW mf mw SF
McGILLIVRAY, Wm., Church, 246-7, pt, 071 Bu j o m SF
1940 Smiths Falls Directory
McGillivray, Wm. E.; 13 Church E.
William and Etta
Mabel McGillivray
6.10.1884 - 1888